In my time as a member of Paranormal Project I have noticed that some people seem to be attracted to haunted houses. Several clients have said that they keep finding themselves close to ghostly presences wherever they go. It made me wonder why? Why would anyone choose to live in a home that is already occupied by things unseen?
I came up with a couple of reasons and these apply to the wider population. Firstly some people aren’t sensitive to these entities and are oblivious to their existence. They can live in the home and put any odd creaks or groans or even objects shifting from place to place down to pure coincidence.
Second they may be completely aware that there is a presence in a home and be quite happy to move in regardless. Perhaps the resident ghost is more than happy to have company.
Thirdly I believe some people feel at home in haunted houses and really don’t know why. Maybe they feel sad or angry and the spirits feel the same way. So in a completely spiritual sense this resident will feel right at home.
Often the homes we investigate have a very heavy feeling, to someone who is sensitive to energy. The people living there may not notice, usually because they’ve become accustomed to that feeling. But as soon as the ghosts are moved on, myself and the other psychics in the team will work to lift the energy in each room. We do what is commonly referred to as “raising the vibrations”.
For those of you who have practiced any kind of yoga, you may have heard your instructor mention “vibrations”. The reason we often sing the word “Om” before and after a yoga class is to “raise the vibrations” both in the room and within our own bodies. Try it now. You can feel the vibrations. Emotions that are not helpful to us give off lower vibrations and vice versa. So we always want to practice acts of love and kindness.
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