THE Paranormal Project team recently went back to Bungunyah Manor at Mt Tamborine for a magnificent dinner, spiritual medium show led by Amanda De Warren and finally a ghost hunt. 

The evening was a huge success, with around 30 people doing the windy drive up the mountain to attend (I lie, some people were locals).

The investigation was larger this time.  We looked inside several rooms in the accommodation wing, the restaurant, guest room and even explored the garden.

Some of the highlights from within the accommodation rooms included several people from different groups tasting and smelling blood.  A few people also said they felt like someone had been hanged – they apparently saw images of the gallows.  A few people also claimed to have seen a woman who looked like she’d been badly beaten.  There is a story that a woman in a blue dress roams the corridors (pictured below) and rooms.

bungunyah 5

We also put the theory that there is a little girl haunting the Manor to the test.  The story goes that she likes keys and jewellery and will sometimes move them from place to place.  So our technical experts put a key inside an outline traced on a piece of white paper on a bed in one of the rooms to see if it would move – but I can’t  tell you what happened here.

Then in the garden one group claimed to have picked up  the presence of former Bungunyah owner Emily and her mother Mary.  Emily’s ashes were scattered in the garden when she died.  The psychics claimed that the two women had brought with them a small girl (earthbound spirit) who wanted to be moved on.  Which they did.

Still in the garden and Amanda De Warren and myself walked down the back with some of the guests.  We both felt like someone was trying to play with us.  There were long manicured bushes, that we wanted to run around and see if there was someone waiting on the other side.  It felt like a game of Hide N Seek.

Then I felt drawn to a beautiful pine tree near a path.  There was an obvious warm patch, as the temperature outdoors that night was quite chilly.  I raced back and grabbed my mobile phone from the gazebo so I could take some photographs.  I pressed the button twice, then it occurred to me that I hadn’t asked permission, so I did, and then I took two more photos.  When I looked at the end result I was shocked, only one turned out and it was right after I asked for permission.  But it was what I saw in the photo that made the hair stand up on the back of my neck.

Bungunyah is a very magical and special place and we learn something new every time we go there.  The reason I have left out some of the results of our investigation is that those who come along have exclusive access to evidence found on the night.  If you want to join us on one of our adventures then keep an eye on our website or visit the Events With Spirit Facebook page.

