Experimental Equipment
Often our team is challenged with questions about the types of devices and equipment that we use on tours and investigations. Some paranormal teams use experimental devices whilst others don’t. Here at Paranormal Project we combine a number of different types of tools to aid us in investigations.
So what exactly are experimental devices? Experimental devices are paranormal tools that focus around theories which assist in attempting to prove the existence of the paranormal with these theories. Some paranormal teams label these findings as solid proof however we do not. Let’s be clear, these devices are a fantastic aid in an investigation and in some cases we have had great success however it is not possible for us to label these findings as solid proof.
There is an abundance of devices out there and more coming onto the market frequently. Today I am focusing on discussing the experimental devices that we currently use. These being out Kinect Camera, Ovilus and SB7.
Kinect Camera
Also commonly known as an SLS camera (structured light sensor camera) you can purchase SLS cameras for roughly $1200 online however paranormal techs discovered the Xbox Kinect camera functions similarly to the SLS saving hundreds of dollars. The Kinect effectively uses thousands of tiny lasers in conjunction with software to map stick figures that relate to human forms.
The word database which is triggered by electromagnetic energy. This device rose to popularity after airing on popular TV show Ghost Adventures. The inventor Bill Chappell, an electrical engineer, considers himself to be a skeptic however designs a range of ITC experimental devices for the paranormal community. This device contains a word database which allows spirits to select the words they wish to communicate with by manipulating the device with their energy.
The SB7 also known as a spirit box focuses on the theory that ghosts can communicate through white noise. This device scans radio frequencies at a rapid rate to create an endless band of white noise. There are multiple settings on this device but we generally set our SB7 to scan 4 stations per second.
While these devices are fun and exciting to use, in some cases going back to the basics is best but there is no harm in a little fun on an investigation.