*Please note that not all of our private cases are posted, only those that wish for us to do so*

Paranormal project received correspondence from a family in the Redlands for assistance. They claim that the motion detectors were set off for no reason, the coat hangers would move on their own in the walk in wardrobe and in additional to unusual noises they have seen shadow figures. We head out to the Redlands recently to see what we were dealing with.

From a Technical Perspective:

Due to unforeseen circumstances we did experience some technical issues. From the data we did collect and review we did manage to find a number of audio clips and an image that we are unsure of.

The first EVP we captured is movement type sounds within the wardrobe. Brad responds to hearing this at the time over the earphones.

This EVP sounds like a quick inhale. It is also heard over the earphones. Note* there are only 2 people in this investigation session.

During one of the quiet moments in an EVP session where we simply listen and see if anything happens. We are unable to determine what is said or essentially what this sound is. Listen carefully after one of our investigators clears her throat.

This next clip is a faint knocking sound. Due to file size limits our website EVPs are shortened however our investigators did a search of the area and there was no one else around who could have made a knocking sound. Listen for yourself.

This audio clip is from our Spirit Box Session. We do not classify any experimental ITC as evidence however have a listen for yourself.

During our investigations we use a motion detect night vision game camera. We captured an image of interest that stood out. Upon clicking back and forth between the two images we can distinctly see a mist in the second image. We cannot say that this is paranormal however we will post it for your opinions. We have included the image taken 2 seconds before. See if you can spot the difference. We have also included the negative images. *Note* we recommend to view these in your browser as it is easier to spot the difference.

Images Negatives:


From a Spiritual Perspective:

We commenced in the main bedroom where we felt a heavy and negative energy. To us it felt like a young male spirit in his early 20’s and died by hanging. We felt constriction around throat and pressure around head. He was under the influence of drugs at time of death. He died in local area (bushland) in 1982. At the end of our investigation he was moved on during our clearing.

In the bar area we believe there is an entity behind bar. The feeling is freezing behind the bar area close to the floor. This particular entity likes causing mischief and making noise. This entity was moved on when we commenced our clearings.

The whole house had a heavy feeling which also made us feel quite nauseous.

In the lounge room Lynne saw a shadow and many things out of the corner of her eye. She also felt like she was being touched. We experiences many cold spots in this area.


Thank you for the opportunity to assist you with your paranormal problems.

